How to change or adjust an air bladder on a Kampa Rally Air Awning28 January 2015 | Admin With the ever increasing popularity of the Kampa Rally Air inflatable caravan awnings, it is inevitable that at some point a degree of maintenance may be required. One of the most important parts of the awning is obviously the internal air bladders which could need replacement should a disaster happen. Here is a step by step guide on how to change or replace the air bladder valve. Each new Kampa Rally Air Inflatable awning comes complete with a small tool kit and replacement air valve which can be changed by the user following these simple steps. Firstly unpack the tool kit as shown below: A. This image shows the basic components when separated out. Note that the white split washer in the center has a tapered edge. The narrow part of this faces the locking nut, just like an olive on a compression joint.
The fitting should now be ready to use. It is very important that care is taken when tightening the locking nut that you do not twist or damage the soft rubber pipe - it's easy to do, so take special care during this part of the process. You could now test the joint with some clean soapy water to check for any air leaks. Remember to dry all the fittings before reassembling the air bladder. Now you are ready to refit the bladder in to your awning. It is also possible to adjust a twisted or mis-shaped airtube which, over time may have deformed the awnings appearance. Myles from Kampa UK has kindly produced a demonstration video to give you some helpful advice on maintaining the appearance and structure of your Kampa Airframe awning. This video can be viewed below: Copyright 2013-2015 All Right Reserved
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